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Time for Change

Time for Change

When everything goes wrong
When you hear the tune of sad song
When the cloud of sadness overshadow you
Nothing favourable comes in you view
You are forced to transverse the adverse path
And no one is there is walk with you
The loneliness of the path bewilders you
Then is the right time 
The moment so prime
The tune of the life is ready for a change
You are ready to accept gift in exchange
The cloud of the sadness will burst
You will get the due love and lust
The loneliness will turn into crowd to applause you
The running train of life will pause for you
You will be one among many gifted
To a new platform, you will be lifted
The time of change comes in life
When you are surrounded by many a strife
The of change comes when defy the adversity
The change comes when you dream for prosperity
Be hopeful and rejoice the life
Be bold and encounter the strife
No matters what comes in your life
Dream for the best in your life
Shashikant Nishant Sharma

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