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Dawn of Democracy in Mayanmar

Dawn of Democracy in Mayanmar

The election of a member of the parliament who is of opposition party can be seen as a mark of dawn of the democracy shining on the western horizon of the country. The victory for Aung San Suu Kyi and her party, the National League for Democracy, in the by-elections recently held in Myanmar has confirmed deep faith of people in the institution of democracy. The military rule has done more harm than benefits to the people and country as a whole. The world community is strongly in the support of the democratisation of the governance world over which aims to give supremacy of public in the affairs of the governance and an outcome of which will be free and open economy which the western economies are trying hard to achieve in disguise of democracy. The world will welcome every step in the direction of democratisation of the society. The western countries will surely loosen the sanctions if they feel that the government is ready to adopt changes and modifications in the present governance.
from:  Shashikant Nishant Sharma

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