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What are the benefits of self publishing through Independent Publisher Services?

Retention of Rights - You have all right reserved and this gives you the immense opportunity of gaining access to traditional publishers who usually approached the best selling authors for more publications. You have all the publishing and distribution rights which might be curtailed by most of the traditional publishers in their agreements. Authors are free to sell foreign or movie rights for their work, if the opportunity presents itself.
  • Control - Not only do the authors have complete control of all aspects of their book like content, editing, cover design, reworking some sections, addition and modification in the book etc. Authors have the choice of picking and choosing any and all options they need to get their publication to market and we do not tack on any hidden fees.
  • Speed To Market - Self publishing enables you to get your manuscript available as soon as you sign off on the final digital proof. In approximately 4-6 weeks, your title will be readily available through must of the distribution channels you wish to apply through various publishers.
  • Increased Revenue – The annual income of a writer depends on the quality of the book, marketing strategies and pricing of the book. Most of the pricing and royalty structure enables you to have control of your profits without having to pre-pay and inventory books. We recommend to keep your price low.
  • Increased Market Coverage - Usually the traditional publishers have their well defined coverage areas which limits most of the small publishers. The advantages of independent publishing far exceeds their combined coverage. You will have the option of sharing on multiple channels like Amazon, Smashwords, Edupedia Publications, bookstore, Pothi etc.
  • Acclaimed Author - Most of the traditional publishers don't bother to publicize you or your work, but most of the independent and self publishing companies provide you opportunities of gaining due publicity. Author Central of Amazon is noteworthy and highly recommended for authors. You can visit one of the most visited profiles on Amazon at
  • Publicity Tools - Most of the independent and self publishing companies provide you tools and widgets for book promotion on various channels like social networking sites, your own website, niche markets etc.
  • By Shashikant Nishant Sharma

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