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How to get an ISBN for new Book to become Published Author

Knowing how to get an ISBN as a published author is crucial. Since you can’t publish without an ISBN, we’re helping you learn how in order to publish the right way and why you even need an ISBN number in the first place.
How to get an ISBN for new Book to become Published Author

But you don’t have to even worry about an ISBN number if you don’t have a book ready to publish, right? And it won’t even matter if you don’t publish that book the right way.

What is an ISBN number used for?

Essentially, an ISBN number, or International Standard Book Number, is a regulated 10- or 13-digit identification number which allows libraries, publishers, and book dealers to locate and identify specific books.
What is the purpose of an ISBN number?
ISBN stands for “International Standard Book Number” and before it was implemented in 1967, the method and system for cataloging, ordering, organizing, and locating a specific book was a chaotic mess.
Today, to get your book into a bookstore, a library, or almost any book distribution channel on the planet, you need an ISBN number.
But the process can be really confusing for new authors. There are a number of questions you might be asking yourself about ISBN numbers:
  • How does this long string of numbers on the back of books work?
  • How do you get it?
  • If you’re a published author, do you need an ISBN?
  • Why would you need one?
  • These are all questions answered in this article.
    Let’s unweave the intricate web of how to get an ISBN and how they work in the publishing industry.

    How To Read an ISBN number with an ISBN Example

    As of 2007, the ISBN is a 13-digit number. This came about in part because of the large volume of eBooks now being published every year. Knowing how to break down and interpret these 13 digits aren’t of much use and interest to most book readers, but for publishers and distributors, it’s a necessity.
    If you want to publish lots of books under your own publishing name then it’s something you may want to pay attention to. You can tell a lot about a book and its author by reading the ISBN number.
    The 13 digit ISBN number helps:
    • Identify the specific title
    • Identify the author
    • Identify the type of book they are buying
    • Identify the physical properties of that particular book
    • Identify the geographical location of the publisher
    Let’s break it down and look at what all these numbers mean.

    Where is the ISBN number on books?

    The ISBN is usually found above the barcode on the back of the book. However, they’re not the same.
    The barcode is much different than the ISBN number.
    This is an important distinction because:
    • When you purchase an ISBN you don’t automatically get a barcode
    • The barcode of your book can change, while your ISBN can remain the same.
    We’ve already discussed what data the ISBN carries, however, the barcode includes extra information such as the book’s fixed price and the currency it’s being sold in.
    Barcodes are a necessary element of your book as they allow for most retailers and distributors to scan your ISBN for retail and inventory reasons.
    The standard barcode is known as the EAN (European Article Number) barcode, and your barcode must be in this format to sell your book in bookstores.

    Do ISBNs expire?

    In short, no. ISBN numbers never expire or go bad. In fact, if you have one from a long time ago, you can simply reconstruct it for use.
    How to Read a Barcode
    If you look at the picture of a standard barcode, you’ll notice two barcodes side by side. The barcode that appears on the left is the EAN generated from the ISBN number.
    The other number appearing on the right is a 5-digit add-on, called an EAN-5, that contains the price of the book. The first digit is a 5 and is a must for scanners to read. The 4-digits after the five indicates the price of book. 

    How to Buy ISBN no. 

    To buy a barcode you must first purchase an ISBN. You can buy your barcodes at Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd and they even offer a barcode-ISBN combo.

    How Many ISBN Numbers To Get

    So how many ISBNs should you get?
    First off let’s clarify a few common mistakes:
    • You can only use an ISBN once. The ISBN is a unique number for that particular book, and can be assigned once, and only once, to that title. It can’t be used with any other book in the future, even second versions of the same book.
    • You don’t need an ISBN to sell in each individual country. ISBNs are international, they are just assigned locally. A US-based publisher can purchase their ISBN through Bowker, but can stock their book worldwide using that ISBN.
    • You need an ISBN for every specific format of the book and any new versions. Want to sell your book in print, as an eBook, and also as an audiobook? That’s great, however, you need a different ISBN for each one. If you want to publish a revised and updated version you’ll also need a new ISBN. (This doesn’t cover fixing some typos and errors).
    • If you create a series of books you can’t use the same ISBN for them. You can use the same ISSN, however. Many fiction and nonfiction authors have an ISSN number assigned to their book series. ISSN stands for International Standard Series Number and can be purchased from the Library of Congress. However, each book in the series will need its own ISBN.
    Buying a single ISBN might seem feasible if you only want to publish one title, but remember that you need an ISBN for each format. So if you want to publish your book as an audiobook, you’d need a brand new ISBN for that. As well as needing different ISBN numbers for your eBook and print versions.
    Not to mention that you’ll need an ISBN number for any future books you publish, perhaps as sequels to your book.
    We recommend that if you’re serious about making book sales, you should purchase at least a bulk of 10 ISBNs. That gives you 3 ISBN numbers to use for publishing as an eBook, in print, and as an audiobook. You can keep the remainder for any future books you might publish.

    How to Get an ISBN final steps

    Now that you have a very good idea how to buy and use ISBNs for your own books, all the best on setting this up. If you want to be recognized as a publisher and have your books available to a larger global audience by registering through Bowker, consider investing in your own ISBN numbers.
    Think of it as buying a piece of property: You own it and it is registered in your name.
    For more information, you can find out anything you want to know by visiting the official site of Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd 
    LINK to Place an Order for New ISBN no. 
    ISBN Links & Resources
    These links appeared throughout the post but here they are for easy access.
    International ISBN Agency by Bowker
    U.S. Copyright Office

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