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Tips for Writing a Research Paper

Staring at the blank page of the screen with no idea of how to write a research paper can evoke instant anxiety in students. A research paper usually means sleepless nights, stress, and a lot of work. But, it does not need to be that way. 
Though a research paper may seem painstaking and daunting at first, knowing the proper steps can make it quite effortless. The key is to divide the work into smaller and easy-to-handle steps.
To write an A+ research paper, you just need to stay motivated and know some tips that can help you with the process. Here is a list of various effective strategies to simplify your work.

  • Choose a Relatable Topic

Look for an engaging topic. It is generally best to select the topic you are interested in or curious about. This will make your researching more enjoyable so that you can write with more enthusiasm.
Avoid subject that is general or too technical. Also, your topic shouldn’t be too broad as it will look like a general overview. Narrow your topic down to a distinct concept, aspect, or idea to make it manageable and specific.

  • Create a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a central point of your research paper. It is basically a sentence that summarizes the primary point of your essay. It is imperative to create a rough thesis statement as it will guide the reader from the beginning of your paper by telling them the main idea of the essay. 

For a solid thesis statement, make sure to keep it simple and specific as it is much easier to research a narrowly chosen subject than massive data.
Make sure your thesis statement complies with the following list:

    • Tell readers what to expect from the paper
    • Explain to the readers how you interpret the subject of the research
    • Answer the questions you were asked
    • Present your claim that people may want to dispute
    • If you can, show your thesis to your instructor to revise.

    • Make a Rough Outline

    An outline will provide you with a blueprint for your research paper. It will help you organize your thoughts before you dive into the writing process. After the thesis statement, make a list of main points you will need to present to support your statement. These main points will be your subheadings. 
    With the notes you took down during your research, start brainstorming where the topics and supporting information best fit.
    For instance, ask yourself questions such as does that stats belong in the starting, middle, or end of the paper or is that line make a good opening paragraph. You can rearrange as needed.
    Making an outline is a critical part and may take longer than other steps, but it is worth the effort and time as this is the foundation of your final research paper.

    Note: If any information doesn’t fit within your outline, and doesn’t support your thesis statement, it doesn’t belong in your research paper, no matter how interesting it is.   

    • Create the First Draft

    Once you are done with the framework or outline, start with creating the rough draft with a title and a reference page. To make a good impression on the readers, make sure your title is impressive as it is the first thing readers see. Draft your essay as freely as possible, following the outline closely.
    Structure your prepared outline into meaningful sentence and paragraph form, putting more details so that readers can understand your point better. Use all the note cards or paper information you feel is important and relevant. If you feel like, you may do more necessary research along the way. 

    • Revise, Edit and Proofread

    After you have prepared the rough draft, revise the paragraphs for unity and coherence. Read the paper thoroughly for any content errors. Reword the sentences for the effectiveness of grammar, structure, and punctuation.      

    Once you feel the draft feels right, with all the vital sources and information put in, start with writing out the final paper.
    Further, make sure every source is on your bibliography page. 


    Once you are finished with your paper, take some time before going through it for the last time. Make sure your facts, figures, quotes, and citations are accurate. So, before you start writing the research paper, skim through these tips for an effective paper.
    With these fantastic tips in hand, you’re now on the way to writing the perfect research paper.
    Author Bio: Hi, my name is Jason K. Strauss. I love to write on a wide range of topics including technology, and cryptocurrencies. Also, I intend to write easily readable articles that could help people. Don't forget to hop on my blog for more interesting stuff.

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