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25 Tips for Winning In the Workplace

1.      When you prepare and complete tasks, be aware of how your work may circulate up the organizational hierarchy
2.      Networking never ends so take the time to establish relationships and networks even when you’re getting situated into a career because they will always be valuable.
3.      If you discover a resource that may be beneficial to a supervisor, screenshot it and include in an email.
4.      Watch: How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek
5.      Even though you landed a job, there is always room to learn. Mentors are an important part of the process, use them!
6.      Communicate to your supervisor that you value their methodologies and thoughts by asking for their advice when you need it.
7.      If you’re not sure what to wear, it’s always best to be conservative. Apparel is important because it portrays an individuals’ level of dedication and determination.
8.      Although your phone may be a big part of your life, try to refrain from spending too much time on it. A general rule of thumb is to take a quick walk around the block and finish a conversation when necessary.
9.      As accustomed as you are to using your laptop, writing down notes on paper will impress your boss even more.
10.  As you may work on a team, it’s important to professionally treat all co-workers with respect and kindness because you never know when they might resurface in your life.
11.  When preparing for meetings, conduct some research about individuals attending so you are knowledgeable about their positioning and overall perspectives.
12.  Read the ‘deck’ (slide show or power point in the work place) before a meeting. This will demonstrate that you are prepared and ready to contribute ideas and thoughts.
13.  If faced with a task you don’t know how to complete, attempt to navigate through it yourself before reaching out for help. This will exemplify your ability to critically think and problem solve.
14.  Refrain from anything that resembles gossip or negative word of mouth regarding employees, past employers, etc.
15.  During your transition into a profession, it is normal to experience a lack of instant gratification, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t working hard. Just remember that appraisal doesn’t exist for simply doing your job.
16.  Don’t expect to always have feedback or be consistently evaluated on your performance. Silence isn’t always a negative thing.
17.  When asking for or negotiating a raise, support your argument with evidence or data that your contributions, work ethic, and achievements are valuable to the organization.
18.  Although we live in a rather open culture, it is best to avoid discussions about personal matters.
19.  It is imperative to understand that in the business world, you must bring in more than you make or the organization cannot afford you.
20.  Although it can seem tedious, read every single email you receive and respond thoughtfully with questions to answers, interest, and enthusiasm.
21.  If your mailbox is consistently flooded with emails, try to prioritize and organize them by using flags and categories.
22.  To demonstrate your interest and engagement with an organization, gain knowledge by attending lectures and conferences, reading blogs, and keeping up to date with current events regarding your industry.
23.  When you receive advice, do your best to demonstrate that you value it by executing it within your workplace.
24.  If you are not already, genuinely try to find inspiration from your occupation. The more inspired you are, the more you will achieve, and the more you achieve, the more satisfied you will be.
25.  Make friends! Friends within the workplace are an important part of your job because they can inspire you, help guide you, and contribute their skill sets.
The University of Denver would like to thank the rock star employees who make up the Millennial Club at the very awesome Denver powerhouse company, Zayo, for creating this amazing list of tips.

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