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Classroom Management: 3 Important Revision Steps

The process of revision has become reviled in some school situations of late. We’ve all heard the excuses as to why revisions don’t work:

·      “Students don’t have to try on their first attempt, since they know they’ll get another chance.”
·      “The real world doesn’t offer second chances, so neither should we.”
·      “Why should everything be available for revision? Where’s the accountability?”

But those who make these excuses could learn a few things from the revision classroom management techniques we lay out in today’s centerpiece article today.

Jordan Catapano, a frequent (and TeachHUB Magazine) contributing writer, lays out three revision steps for us today, and explains each in great detail:

  • Reflecting on Performance and Feedback
  • Talk About Failure, Learning, and Revision
  • Conference with the Teacher

A memorable line from today’s think piece: “If we want students to succeed, to continue trying after they’ve failed, to feel like they can grow as learners, then we need to actually facilitate an environment that fosters this mentality. So talk to them directly about their strengths and their failures, and then offer them that “Second chance.””

It’s a great read, one you’ll want to pass on to colleagues and read again and again for your own reference and inspiration.

Jordan sums up his article like this: “Truth be told, there’s no perfect system for revisions. Our goal as educators is not to settle for telling our students “Better luck next time,” but to help coach them into the learners and masters we know they can be. Facilitating revisions is not about raising grades or creating extra work, it’s about teaching students to believe in themselves and their ability to grow.”

What are some successful steps you’ve built into the revision process to help your students? Tell our community about your ideas!

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