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Classroom Management to Welcome a New Student Midyear

A new student who enters your classroom in the middle of the academic year presents a unique dilemma to educators and the new student’s classmates alike. The classroom management transition can be tricky; but with a little forethought, you can use classroom management to make this tricky situation a positive one for everyone involved.
Today on, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox, who is a seasoned elementary school educator based in Upstate New York, takes a look at some wholly original classroom management techniques to assure that a new student makes the midyear transition to your class in a smooth fashion.
Janelle’s transition ideas (and excellent descriptions of each) include:
  • Assign a Student Mentor
  • Don’t Forget About the Rest of the Students
  • Make a “New Student Survival Kit”
  • And More!

Janelle sums up her article thusly: “Taking on a new student midyear isn’t easy for anyone. But, it doesn’t have to be that difficult, either. With a little prep work, after a few weeks it will feel like the student has been there all year long.”
Does your school allow students to enroll or change classrooms midyear? If so, how do you use classroom management to deal with getting a new student midyear? Please share your thoughts in the comment section, we would love to hear your thoughts and experiences.
Teaching Strategies: Stimulate Through Effective Questioning
Recently on, frequent contributor Janelle Cox said that improving the quality of the questions that teachers ask their students will help them become better educators.
She offers up some great teaching strategies for improving teachers’ questions, including:

  • Plan Ahead
  • Keep It Simple and Straightforward
  • Avoid “Fishing” for an Answer

The best teachers use lower-order AND higher-order questioning. To help you learn what might work best for you, be sure to keep notes on which questions were most effective. This way you can look back and fine-tune any questions at a later date, Janelle notes.

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