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Consistency is Key with Classroom Management

Whether you’re a parent OR a teacher, consistency is of paramount importance when you’re raising or instructing children. Kids thrive on consistency, and the classroom management system of organization that brings consistency about.

With that in mind, today on, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox, herself a seasoned elementary school educator in Upstate New York, looks at how to bring about a stable and nurturing environment in your class.

Janelle’s ideas (and detailed steps for executing each) include reasons why it’s important to have a consistent plan as well as why it’s important to be consistent.

Janelle sums up her article like this: “A well-structured consistent classroom management plan is the key to having a successful classroom. This plan must be executed on day one and must be taught, modeled, and practiced over and over again until the students can do it in their sleep. Never make a rule that you are not willing to reinforce or state a promise that you cannot keep.”

Do you have any classroom management tools or tips that you would like to share? Please leave your thoughts and ideas, we would love to hear what you have to say.

Engaging Classroom Games for All Grades

One of our most popular stories in the history of has been one in which we lay out some popular classroom games. These games are time-tested, and work at just about every grade level.

Classroom games add flair and student engagement to more tedious, yet necessary tasks like teaching math facts, grammar rules and vocabulary, reviewing for tests or even completing lab experiments. Adding an element of competition motivates and energizes students.

Our list of great classroom games includes:

    Educational Bingo
    Around the World
    And More!

We also encourage educators to implement student-created games whenever possible – after all, what student doesn’t like to show off his or her creative talents?

What educational games do you use in your classroom?

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