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Groundhog Day Classroom Activities

In our continued pursuit of bringing you the most entertaining classroom activities and games pertaining to your calendar year, today we look at ways that you and your students can rlly around Groundhog Day for some wintertime fun. contributing writer Janelle Cox, a seasoned educator based in Upstate New York, today looks at some unique classroom activities designed to get your class ready to learn about famed critter Punxsutawney Phil.

Janelle’s ideas include:

Send Phil Back to his Burrow
Dear Mr. Groundhog
Who’s Hibernating
And More!

Janelle sums up her article with a look at some great Groundhog-based literature that will have your class squealing with delight.

How do you celebrate Groundhog Day in your classroom? Do you have any teaching ideas that you would like to share with us?

How to Get a Teaching Grant

Now that we’re in the depths of winter (and many of us in the colder regions are anticipating spring already), it’s time to start thinking about how to apply for those coveted teaching grants.

Today on, we look at how educators can begin to apply for teaching grants. We offer up a step-by-step guide on the process.

First, you need to determine which classroom (or school-wide) projects your grant will be directed at. Are you looking to get some iPads? Some more books?

You’ll also need to:

  Get the backing of your school’s administrators
  Learn how to search for grants
  Carefully follow directions
  And More!

Do you have your own tips for getting teaching grants? 

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Did you know that’s sister publication, TeachHUB magazine, contains all the cutting-edge information you’ll need to fully bring your classroom into the 21st century, including app reviews, original articles on teaching, even jokes and reviews that remind you daily of why teaching is such an honorable profession? It's true! Check it out today.

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