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Teaching Strategies: Spelling Stories

Teaching strategies involving spelling stories are still an effective way to see if your students know how to spell. Basically, you instruct your kids to write a story based on the spelling words of the week (or whatever time frame). A spelling story might look like this:

I have to write a spelling story for homework.  I can’t possibly think of a story to write, so I am staring at the ceiling. So, this story is going to be difficult, but I’m going to make it tremendous. It might be a little weird, but I’ll make it work. I am jealous because my friends will probably have a better story than I do. I am the opposite of happy because I have to write this story. I’m very curious to know if my story is bad or good  I know I am going to probably misspell a word. That’s it, I’m done.

Today on, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox, who is a seasoned educator based on the East Coast, takes a look at how educators can execute spelling stories in the classroom. She instructs us on tips, and explains how to grade them as well.

Janelle sums up her article thusly: “Make sure that you provide students the opportunity to share their stories, it can be with a partner, in front of the whole class, on your website, on your bulletin board, or you can even share a few favorites in your weekly newsletter home. At the end of the school week after your spelling lesson is over is probably the best time to sit down and let students share their stories.”

Do you use spelling stories in your classroom? If so, how do you grade them? Please feel free to share your thoughts.

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