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Teaching Strategies: What a 21st Century Educator Looks Like

Today on, we answer the rhetorical question, “What does it mean to be a 21st century teacher?”

Frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox, herself a seasoned educator based on the East Coast of the United States, takes a look at some characteristics that a modern educator must possess, beyond the typical mastery of using technology in the classroom -- including some sound, applicable teaching strategies.

Janelle notes that (and elaborates on the teaching strategies involved with) a 21st century educator must:

  • Collaborate
  • Be adaptive
  • Be a lifelong learner
  • And more!

In summation, Janelle notes: “21st century learning means teaching just as you have done in the past centuries, but with way better tools. Today’s teachers have a great advantage, in that they have powerful learning tools at their disposal that they didn’t have before. 21st century technology is an opportunity for students to acquire more knowledge. Teachers have the ability to move away from being the dispenser of information to someone who can guide them and prepare them for their future. Ultimately, the 21st century learner will be “learner-driven,” where they choose how and what they want to learn. The teacher will serve as a facilitator and guide to help embrace 21st century learning.”

What do you think a 21st century looks like? Do you think they must have a set of specific skills and characteristics?

Minecraft in the Classroom Teaches Reading and More

Millions of people of all ages have been playing the sandbox-style video game Minecraft (on a variety of platforms, from the Xbox to the PlayStation to iPads and more) for ages now. But did you know that the game has man virtues that can enhance classroom experiences?

Minecraft, which is an open word game with no set goals for any player to accomplish, encourages teamwork, entices kids to read, and gets them thinking about integral classroom topics like physics and biology.

We recently took a look at the ways that Minecraft can help your students’ day-to-day academic trajectories.

Have you successfully utilized the video phenomenon Minecraft in class? If so, how have you used it?

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