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Technology in the Classroom: 10 Hour of Code Projects

Have you heard about the Hour of Code? Hour of Code is a one-hour technology in the classroom introduction to coding and programming, celebrated by nay American schools. The Hour of Code demonstrates that anyone can learn the basics to be a coding maker, creator, and innovator.

This year the Hour of Code will be held from Dec. 7-13, and with those dates rapidly approaching, frequent contributing writer Jacqui Murray, herself a tech teacher on the West Coast, today takes a look at 10 interactive technology in the classroom ideas to help your class participate this year.

Jacqui’s ideas include:

  • Macros
  • Alt Codes
  • Human Algorithim
  • And More!

Jacqui notes that these activities will surely bring about an interest in coding --  skills that kids can use far into the future.

How will you celebrate Hour of Code this year? Do you have any ideas to share?

Teaching Strategies: Stimulate Through Effective Questioning

Recently on, frequent contributor Janelle Cox said that improving the quality of the questions that teachers ask their students will help them become better educators.

She offers up some great teaching strategies for improving teachers’ questions, including:

•    Plan Ahead
•    Keep It Simple and Straightforward
•    Avoid “Fishing” for an Answer

The best teachers use lower-order AND higher-order questioning. To help you learn what might work best for you, be sure to keep notes on which questions were most effective. This way you can look back and fine-tune any questions at a later date, Janelle notes.

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