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The Challenges of Equity in Public Education

A hot topic in educational and academic circles these days is equity in public education – or the notion that all students, no matter their geographic locale or socioeconomic status – should be given equal education opportunites.

It’s a principle steeped in history, philosophy, and tradition, and today on, frequent contributing writer Jordan Catapano, himself a veteran high school English teacher in the Chicago suburbs, weighs in on the topic of equity in a great think piece.

Jordan sets out to ask us to, “Consider some of these important distinctions that go into how schools, districts, and states provide equity in education.” His important distinctions, which are accompanied by well-researched reasoning, include:

  • Horizontal and Vertical Equity
  • Performance Equity
  • Monetary Equity
  • And More!

Jordan sums up his article like this: “This doesn’t mean we need to despair, though. As Americans, we take pride in our ideals and – though implementing them is always a challenge – we allow high standards to guide our day-to-day decisions and debates. With equity as our goal, we can then ask ourselves the question, “How can I create an equitable solution to meet the needs of each student and best allocates the resources of our school?” It’s a challenging question, but one each school leader, district administration, state legislature, and federal secretary can grapple with to help students everywhere thrive.”

How to Get a Teaching Grant

Now that we’re in the depths of winter (and many of us in the colder regions are anticipating spring already), it’s time to start thinking about how to apply for those coveted teaching grants.

Today on, we look at how educators can begin to apply for teaching grants. We offer up a step-by-step guide on the process.

First, you need to determine which classroom (or school-wide) projects your grant will be directed at. Are you looking to get some iPads? Some more books?

You’ll also need to:

   Get the backing of your school’s administrators
   Learn how to search for grants
   Carefully follow directions
   And More!

Do you have your own tips for getting teaching grants? 

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