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What Teachers Need to Know About the Common Core State Standards

As an educator for over twenty years, I’ve witnessed numerous initiatives to improve the quality of education. With the introduction of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), I think we are finally emerging from a more “Standards Abused” era in education.

I am not naïve enough to believe that the CCSS are going to cure everything that challenges teaching and learning in our classrooms. However, I am optimistic that CCSS is a vehicle for us (educators) to go back to what we all first knew.

What we all first knew is that good and effective teaching is not rooted in multiple-choice tests. Instead, student achievement is a result of effective teaching that is based on research, sound pedagogical practices, and theory. CCSS also recognizes that teachers are the best ones to decide the most effective teaching methodologies for reaching the rigorous expectations of this new set of standards. It is time for us to get back to what we know, as educators, what are the best ways in which we can teach our students.

CCSS is a vehicle for us to get back to what we know is best for our students.

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