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Words, Pictures, Numbers, WOW! – 2nd Grade Infographics Attract Attention

Source: ASIDE, 2014
For the past four years, we’ve been using infographics with our students at different grade levels. This year, our second graders were studying New York City to make comparisons between its historical past at the turn of the last century with today. Instead of the typical presentation poster, they made infographics using the Easelly app.

Source: ASIDE, 2014
We worked with our colleagues Stefani Rosenthal (@StefRosenthal) and Jessica Raffaele (@miss_raffaele) to help the students gather the data facts they needed. With an array of examples from other students displayed in and around the library, these young learners easily picked up the basic elements and principles of design to create the examples in this post.

The synchronicity of words, pictures, and numbers found in infographics enables students to visualize what they have learned and share it with an audience of their peers and others. Moving the content from writing journals or note-taking apps, where no one else sees it, to a place for others to interact with it changes the engagement with the information. A teacher alone does not make an audience.

Source: ASIDE, 2014
Students worked out the details of learning the simple principles of contrast, and color for the best arrangement of their facts and figures. Knowing that their work would be on view during a presentation and printed for the infographics wall in the library provided that extra incentive to make it their best.

While we digitally show our students work, there is something different about having it on view around the building. Kids notice and love to see their creations exhibited live. The content reach also expands through the visual presentation on display. We constantly see others looking and discovering. As in advertising, the visual design of information solicits the viewer’s attention.

The participation by an audience provides learners with an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding collectively to groups of spectators, whether peers, parents, or teachers. For kids, that encounter makes a difference.

Source: ASIDE, 2014
This collective consumption of content broadens the learning environment far beyond a simple grade level or subject area. The power of audience changes the dynamic from static, self-contained learning to one of organic assimilation of knowledge.

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