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A dream and goal of many is to clear GATE before completing their B. Tech or B.E. Degrees. But the unfortunate is that only some rare blossoms get through it as the average pass percentage of the exam is approximately 17-20% of all branches. And now some science and humanities branches are also included in the exam. Most of the aspirants who clear GATE with maximum ranks is the third or above attempters. 

The fun is that even some lecturers or professors of tier 2 and 3 colleges attend GATE coaching classes in the training institutes for getting a PSU job while some leave PSU's and come to coaching institutes and teach for the upcoming batches as they say, it is stressful working there.  Some ultra legends are starting their own coaching institutes as they can earn double the amount of what PSU's pay if they take efforts to reach out to the aspirants.


   When talking about strategy, the first screen of the mind is YT. there are 'n' number of videos in YT on topics like 50 days strategy and full syllabus crash course within 2 months and so on.. there are still some searchers looking for strategies like "HOW TO CLEAR GATE WITHOUT STUDYING!!!?".. Hey guys where do you all exist? Some aspirants put vlog of their full day studies and earn income which is mostly viewed by the new bloomers of GATE.


      It shapes your consistency and boosts your confidence in case you go for placements in core companies. If you are of an average type of college, then go for it and never miss it at any chance. You get a great confidence and believe in yourself for attempting more exams related to the field. 


1. Go for syllabus coverage at the first level or get an idea of subjects.

2. List out the major, minor and easy subjects.

3. Categorize your importance and view the weightage of questions on the subjects.

4. Starting increasing your pace for solving the questions.

5. Always pre-plan yourself for the day.

6. Getting alteast two test series is must before appearing for the exam.

7. Dedicate some time for hobbies, too, as they drive more concentration.

8. Avoid getting frustrated in the first attempt.

9. In any case, don't panic.

10. Focus on one thing, that is your exams for Gate alone, make it your strength you will be able to do it.

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