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TOP 5 sectors that provide opportunities in post covid-19


The current situation are impact on ongoing pandemic, this changed lots of thing around us. Many of the changes have been come with negative impact for example small business house hit very badly, change in student’s education and their learning behaviours and many more industries have faced same impact.

 However there are some sectors which are still in high demand and we have to look this positive side of this pandemic as well. These sectors are providing opportunity in short term as well as in long term.  


1.     1.  E-learning platform

During this pandemic era, when all the schools and colleges are operating in virtual mode through online classes, it’s led to create a rise of web courses and online mode of education. The cost of education to also decrease, making it more financially accessible to a larger section of society as well. This helps many e-learning platforms to grow their market and reach every section of society though internet.  



2.    2E-Commerce sector

  E-commerce was already on the rise before the pandemic hit due to our increasingly digitized & globalised world looking for further convenience. But, during pandemic consumer had a no choice to gave up there old shopping habits for fear to get sick. It is expected that e-commerce industry is likely to reach over $ 200 billion in the coming 8 years.

                Amazon, Walmart and Ali Babaare large players that will take leverage of the growth opportunity. 



3.    Remote working software

 Thegovernments implementing more serious measures such as full or partial lockdowns, and businesses struggling to find ways to maintain adequate levels of productivity, many are turning to remote working apps and software. The desire to have more flexibility of working and remain safe from virus will also drive businesses to rely more on cloud and virtual office solutions.

  The concept of ‘’WORK FROM HOME’’ become more widely popular. The tech firms like zoom, Google meet saw an unpredictable growth     that remain continues for upcoming years.  



4.    OTT platforms

covid-19 has brought a shift to the entertainment sector where over the top (OTT) platforms   replaced old entertainment watching habits.  Over the past few months, online content consumption has risen exponentially, creating a vast user base for OTT platforms. Confined to their homes for months, people turned to OTT platforms to keep themselves occupied. The worldwide   OTT   platforms are Hotstar, Netflix, Prime, etc.


The pandemic has reminded us of many key essentials, but one of the biggest takeaways has been remembering how important it is to have skilled medical staff and top end medical equipment to combat unpredictable deadly and contagious diseases. The pandemic has undoubtedly brought the pharma and healthcare sectors to the forefront. While the crisis was unprecedented and did put a strain on the industry, it has recovered quickly and is now thriving. With a surge in demand for healthcare and pharma professionals, the industry is expected to be largely immune to the looming economic slowdown in the near future.


            Covid-19 is changed whole living pattern, from virtual classroom to remote working styles etc. Newer technologies are coming up to bridge   the gap created through social distancing. The new wave of technologies emerging helped to broom some sectors that provided new opportunities to all.  

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