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Communication is so important in business, because business need people with good communication skills and our people need business. So, both are interconnected with one another. While communication has always been the Central to business, the nature of work today presents special communication challenges.


'WE SEE THE WORLD AS WE ARE NOT AS WHAT THE WORLD IS', stated by German philosopher Nietzsche. The statement comes true by that there is no meaning in signs, symbols, clues and objects around us, the meaning is just vested in the mind coming to us from uniqueness which is the result of experience. Programming by external environment fixes our mindsets, perspectives, biases, preconceived notions and beliefs. The audience can make sense and interpret the world around them only through individual filters.


The relationship of communicators also forms an important context of communication. 

Organizational contexts: The Organization to which your audience belongs - priorities, circumstances, slow or fast in pace of work can be strongly influenced by the way the message is going to be delivered.

Professional Contexts: Different professionals have different perspectives. Being aware of the internal and external ones makes you identify the priorities.

Personal Contexts: It all depends upon the current circumstances. Who you are, success, failure relationship, financial ups and downs, state of health and the physical environment all can affect communicative act. If you are aware eg. The intended recipient of your message is under stress or having a bad day, you can adapt your communication accordingly.


Choose the best words for your message. Adapting your message to one reader requires care, but addressing many needs to be considered carefully. In general, use familiar words for better understanding. Avoid words that are stereotyped by age. Avoiding words that are typecasted with the disabilities and negative descriptions. Understand an adapt to the different generations of people in the workplace.


Use positive words. Because people generally prefer positive to negative feelings, positive words are usually best for achieving your message goals. This is not to say that one should not use negative words, rather to use. Such words are powerful, and you will sometimes want to use them. They create some kind of effect to the opposite party.

Focus on what you do, it employes what one achieves the goal and desired effects. Do more than expected. Too many of us, however, stop switch simple messages, we include only bare essentials. 

Use the three major techniques for emphasizing the positive and the de-emphasizing the negative.  The three most important managing emphasis is structured one, position, sentence. Make sure that you built these kinds of things properly and achieve your objective in business.



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