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Friendship is a precious gift which should not be easily given up. Even the acquaintance of an hour bears much meaning.  A friend is a person who understands us and sympathesis with our joys and sorrows. In times of trouble, this is a source of counsel, comfort and courage. Blessed is the man who is able to enjoy the fruits of such friendship. We should always keep it unbroken because if one lost, it can never be restored. 

Friendship is a beautiful bond that people take time to appreciate. Friendship comprises human values such as sympathy, mutual understanding and companionship. Above all, it is about honesty, truth and love with a degree of intimacy. Friendship is undoubtedly the central part of our lives, due to the concerns we have for our friends and also because our friends can shape as a person.
Friends are one of the most important beings we need in our lives. They are a source of not only personal happiness but also a shoulder to lean on when in need.True friends are a kind of gift we receive as we move through life. They listen, care, call or visit us when no one is around and they accept us for who we are. A friend can bean emotional oasis and can make a huge difference to our lives. Friendship transcends all material grains and selfish motives and values. The value of a true friend is immeasurable. It is a matter of heart more than of the mind and must be left to the heart for decision rather than subjecting it to the scanner of the mind which can sometimes play truant and spoil friendship. 
True friendship is based on mutual trust. It must be maintained at all costs and under all circumstances.  We can buy gold and diamonds if we have the required amount of money in our pocket, but a genuine  friend cannot be bought even with loads of money because true friends are priceless.
Thank you!
By:Astha Raghav 

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