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Increase Your Productivity Using This Simple Step To Focus...!!!!

 Hello everybody,  People, let's first try to understand why are we so bad at instructing ourselves. Why is it that we are not able to manage our time ? Why is it that we are not able to focus ? And the answer to this question lies in our conditioning that has happened. since childhood You will see that since childhood there has always been an external entity which has been telling you what to do and when to do. For the first 18 years of your life you've got your school that gives you a timetable and tells you that from 9AM to 10AM you're supposed to learn Hindi from 10 to 11 your are supposed to learn English and so on and so forth. 

And the same thing happens in college also when the college gives you a timetable and tells you that tells you that you're supposed to have 75% attendance. And then when you get employed there is a boss who is going to keep an eye on you, the company tells you that you're supposed to be there from 9 to 5. And then you've got those annoying peers who often keep an eye on you as to how many breaks you are taking. So if you see, there has always been an external entity that has been telling you when to do and what to do. As a result of this, we have lost our ability or our ability to self-govern ourselves has degraded to such a large extent that the next time you command your brain to do something the first response that you get is "NO" (laughs) .

So, practically speaking, your mind has become this notorious monkey which requires an external entity to tell it what to do and when to do. So, here's a simple 5 step procedure which will help you to condition your mind to focus on something. Now the disclaimer over here is that this step by step procedure is very easy to understand but very difficult to execute. So, do not expect this to be like an easy ride for you to improve your focus and and for you to have this ultimate level of concentration that you wish to have. So, here's step number one People, 

the first thing that you are supposed to do is make sure that you have one particular time slot and you reserve this one particular time slot for whatever activity that you want to do. This could be your homework This could be your project work, this could be anything. But fixing this time slot is very important and once you have, let's say, fixed 9 AM to 11 AM what you are supposed to do is you're supposed to make sure that you clear out every single possible distraction. For example, if you want to have breakfast, do make sure to schedule the breakfast before 9AM so that between that time, that is, from 9 AM to 11 AM you don't have to get up for breakfast. 

Make sure that you do all the calls that you need, make sure you send all the PDFs to your friends or whatever you want to send. After doing all that work you shouldn't have any work left between 9AM to 11AM except for that activity. The second step would be to get everything that you need at that desk wherein you're supposed to work so that you don't have to get up. Now, this includes everything starting from a sharpened pencil to your bottle of water. If you drink a lot of water then get 2 bottles and make sure that you have everything that you needed so that you don't have to get up during that time slot. 

Step 3 is the most obvious step of all and that would be to put your phone on DnD and keep it away. And then we move on to step 4 and this is by far the most difficult step of all and here's where no matter what happens, I repeat, no matter what happens you are supposed to be at your desk from 9 AM to 11 AM for 22 days straight, alright ? And here's where, for the first 10 days your productivity will be ultra low okay ? It doesn't matter. You are supposed to be at your desk, you're supposed to be sitting at your chair. And the moment you do this, your battle with the monkey mind begins and here's where all kinds of thoughts will start coming into play. Bro, what is the purpose of life ? Is Kunal Kamra right or Modi Ji right ? Why didn't Seema reply ? I think I'm alone. 

What is the purpose of this Indian education system yaar ? Hmm.. these scientists are saying that the world will be doomed by 2030 then what's the point of me studying all this ? And when this happens, just let your thoughts flow and you know what people ?this reminds me of what one This is what reminds me of what Blaise Pascal once said He said, "Most of the humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room, alone. And this experience of yours is the standing example of the same. Over the course of time, in about 5 to 10 days automatically, you will be able to make peace with your thoughts. And you will see that slowly and steadily your efficiency is increasing. Eventually, by the 22nd day, I can bet you that you would have reached at least 50% efficiency as in, if you sit down for 2 hours you will be able to focus on your work for at least one hour. 

And after you're done with all of this, what you are supposed to do is maintain a progress sheet and over there you are supposed to write how much work you have done on each day until the 22nd day and if possible, follow it all throughout. Once you start doing this you'll notice that you're making progress, your efficiency is increasing and that will give you motivation to keep going. And once you follow this technique for about 22 days, you will see that by the end of 22nd day you have cultivated a powerful habit, you have discplined yourself to sit from 9 AM to 11 AM. Automatically, your focus will improve, your concentration will improve for those 2 hours and once you keep doing this for many many things in life, automatically you will begin see that you are making some amazing progress. 

Now, people, here's where I want to tell you something very very important. I am not teaching you this technique so that you can study better I know that you are going to study well anyways because your teachers are going to kick your a**, your parents are going to kick your a**. But the reason why I want you to practice this technique for something as lame as studies is because this technique will teach you 3 very important life lessons that will help you achieve greatness in life. 

The first lesson that this technique is going to teach you is to live with your thoughts. And trust me, in this world of hustle and bustle because we don't spend enough time with ourself we always live in a state of misery and the worst part is more often than not we never realize it. 

The second life skill that this technique will teach you is the art of self-governance. You will learn how do you exactly take control of your temptations, you will learn how to take control over your distractions. And once you start doing this in small things in life, automatically, you will begin to prepare yourself for much bigger and much more difficult battles in life. 

And third and most importantly this technique will also teach you that greatness takes time. At day zero, you will suck. Regardless of whatever you do, if you want to be great at it, you have to first learn to suck. And in this big bad world wherein we get everything with a click of a button it is very important for our generation to understand that greatness takes time. And once you learn this, I am 100% sure. that you will be on your way to achieve greatness. 

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