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6 ways to create positive brand image online


By: Astha Raghav 

The ultimate guide to creating a positive brand image for online reputation management.

1. Own Your own website : Your first goal for creating a positive online image is having a website. Chances are you already have one for your business like your business. com. If you have a website you control at #1 in search results, it will get the most amount of clicks and prevent most people most people from continuing to look through the rest of the search results.

2.Own Related domains: If you want to take it to the next level, build up some other domains for your business or yourself.  

3.Start Multiple Blogs: Your main personal or company blog does not have to be your only blog. Thanks to Google + authorship and Google Direct Connect, you can tell Google a blog on any topic is related to you.

4.Be active on social media: Notice that I did not say create a whole lot of random social profiles that you may never touch again.

5. Create online "business cards": Several websites allow you to create a personalized page that displays a short bio about you plus links to your website, blog and social networks. 

6. Claim your local profiles: If you have a local business, be sure to claim your local profiles and local directory listingsor create them if they don't exist on sites like Yelp, Merchant Circle, Yahoo local and similar sites.

Thank you!

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