Blogging has become quite popular nowadays; you are facing challenges and competition from all fronts. If you do not create or write a substantial piece of article, you are not going to beat your competition.
Photo by Daniel Thomas on Unsplash
This is the result of multiple tools that have made it possible to start blogging quite easily. Blogger and WordPress are just two of the many popular platforms that have made blogging easier. This has obviously led to a number of problems for new bloggers. One of the problems is an abundance of content.
As a new blogger, while you may not notice it at first, you will be facing tough competition. This is because established and professional bloggers are creating authoritative content that earns them money.
So as a new blogger, it is expected for you to struggle with creating such content. As a result, you must be thinking, how do you create authoritative content? Well, this article covers you, and below are 6 great ways to create authoritative content as a new blogger.
1. Focus on providing Credible Information
Authoritative content means providing your readers with content that is information-driven. One of the biggest mistakes you can make while blogging is to produce half-baked articles. This simply means that readers are unsatisfied with the information they are given. Avoiding this mistake is the key to making more authoritative content.
Focus on engaging your readers. If your aim is to make money, you should not fall into posting promotional content. Your main attraction has to be your articles. If your audience has to go through promotional content each time they want to read something, you won’t get enough clicks.
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash
For a better conversion rate, you need people to stay on your article more. The longer someone stays, the more you earn. Thus, for example, if you are writing about ‘the best escape rooms in LA,’ focus on providing crucial information. This would include providing booking info, details of escape rooms mentioned, and where to book such an escape room.
2. Provide Sources
A lot of amateurs make the mistake of not sourcing their articles. Referencing or providing sources is an excellent way to enhance the quality of your article. This is also necessary if you are including sources and making claims using statistics.
However, to make your writing more authoritative, you need to ensure that your sources are credible. The credibility of sources is the biggest issue when it comes to site ranking. Most search engines like google take sources and credibility very seriously.
What this means is that you cannot spam links and sources in your article. Just because you have 10 links spammed in your article, you are not making your content authoritative. Instead, that will have the opposite effect. In short, Make sure what you cite as a source is itself credible
3. Backlinking Method
You must have heard about backlinking. It is a popular and very important practice among bloggers. A lot of articles have backlinks in them that lead you to other articles and websites. If you have wondered why that is, it is because backlinking improves your credibility.
Backlinking involves making links part of your main content. Thus, a credible backlinking system means you have a credible article with you. Search engines use this as well to rate your content.
Moreover, Backlinking helps in spreading your article. This is because people will often link to your article as well if it is credible and provides useful information. As a new blogger, backlinking can significantly boost your popularity.
4. Guest post to build your Author Bio
Guest Posting on other websites is a good way to build your bio. A lot of authors and bloggers do not really have a specialized background. It is understandable since blogging doesn’t require you to have one. However, your credibility as a new blogger will suffer as a result of this.
Guest posting is a great way to increase your credibility as an author. In case you are not specialized in a field, guest posting offers you the freedom to write and gain recognizes over the internet.
So, suppose you are a doctor but want to write about escape rooms, guest posting is a great way. You can start by writing reviews and writing well-researched content regarding escape rooms. It will build your author’s bio, which will help in making your content authoritative.
Image by kalhh from Pixabay
5. In-depth Research
This goes without saying but researching before you write will increase your credibility. A well-framed and researched blog is worth its weight. You already stand to gain from writing well-researched content. This is because a lot of times, you face competition from shallow and less detailed blogs circulating in mass.
A well-researched article is also bound to generate more attention than a poorly researched one. As a writer, you get open to more thoughts and working ideas. Researching helps you create creative content that your audience will like and support.
6. Avoid making unnecessary claims
Lastly, you need to understand that popularity is a short-lived concept. That means sensational articles can only attract attention for a small period of time. Thus, rather than going for viral claims, you need to ensure credibility in what you write.
Sure, you will grab a lot of attention if you say ‘mars don’t exist, but it isn’t authoritative. Thus, be a little more scientific by including statistics and making credible claims when writing. It will help you in the long run.
As a blogger, the more you write, the more you learn. Slowly and steadily, you will learn these tricks of the trade and even more. What you need to aim for is consistency in writing and including these six things unconsciously.
Till then, these 6 amazing ways to create authoritative content will definitely help you. If you are a new blogger, then definitely follow and learn these methods. They will help you in your blogging career in the future as well. As a bonus tip, learn and educate yourself with SEO techniques as well. It will help in making creative and higher-quality content.
Author Bio
Sophia Scott is a content creator at She's a passionate young woman, mother to an amazing nine-year-old, and an avid reader. Over the years, writing has helped her explore and understand the world as well as her own self. She loves to travel, meet new people, and spend quality time with her daughter. You can find her on LinkedIn.