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IJR Journal - Call for Papers

 International Journal of Research (IJR) is an international, open access and peer-reviewed journal that dedicates itself to mathematical economic theory, with an emphasis on microeconomics. In addition, the journal seeks research findings and commentary on international developments in economics. Articles on economic issues between individual nations, emerging and evolving trading blocs will be particularly welcomed. Contributors are encouraged to spell out the practical implications of their work for economists in government and industry. 

Send papers for publication in this indexed journal to 

The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to:

Applied economic theory
Econometrics & statistical methods
Endogenous technological change
Economic fluctuations
Financial development
Income distribution and growth
Human capital and trade
Migration and growth
Money and growth
Overlapping-generations models
Political economy
National and global governance
Neoclassical growth models
International trade
International factor movements 
Multinational firms
Foreign exchange 
Exchange rate regimes 
Wages and employment

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