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Changing climate and its impact


The three main components of climate change agriculture are.

1.     Sustainable Intensification: This involves increasing productivity while minimizing the negative environmental impacts of farming.

 This can be achieved through the use of precision agriculture techniques, such as precision irrigation, fertilization, and pest management. The goal is to increase yields while reducing inputs, such as water, fertilizer, and pesticides, which are not pocket friendly to the farmers and the negative environmental impacts are needless to mention.

Image source- Youmatter

2.     Adaptation: As discussed above the changing weather patterns disrupts the farmers planned farm activities. 

Here climate smart agriculture provides a range pf techniques like crop diversification, improved water management (drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, conservation tillage etc), conservation agriculture (reducing tillage, leaving crop residues), agroforestry, adopting Integrated Pest Management and use of biopesticides.

Image source- The United nations

3.     Mitigation: Agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for around 10-12% of global emissions. 

Climate smart agriculture involves adopting improved nutrient management by using precision fertilization as fertilizer use is a significant source of GHG emissions. Improve livestock management but feeding animals diet where they produce less methane. Also reducing tillage as it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from the soil adding all these with the use of renewable energy can major cut GHG emissions.

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