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5 Teaching Strategies to Help Boost Test Scores

The Common Core State Standards have brought about an increased urgency among educators (and among schools at large) to increase the test scores of their students.

With this in mind, today on, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox, herself a seasoned educator on the East Coast of the United States, takes a look at five ways that teachers can increase the test scores of the kids in their class.

Janelle’s ideas include:

  • Give Students In-School Reading Practice
  • Assign Homework Every Day
  • Increase Parental Involvement
  • And More!

In summation, Janelle concludes: “As a teacher, you can only do so much. Your main goal is to see each and every one of your students succeed. Just by reading this article you are doing something. You are taking the time to find ways to get your students to improve. That in itself is enough.”

Do you have any tricks or tips to help your students boost their test scores?

Fun Classroom Ideas to Celebrate Family History Month

Throughout October, teachers around the U.S. will be commemorating family history moth. It’s a great way for students to get in touch with their own identities, and to learn about their classmates as well.

Today, (and TeachHUB magazine) contributor Janelle Cox visits some fresh ideas for teachers and students to celebrate this important month of ancestral recognition. Her new ideas to recognize to family history month include:

           Prepare a family dish
           Research the family tree
           Create a family newspaper
           And more!

Remember, by learning more about their history, your students will better be able to understand their role in the current world.

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