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Classroom Management: Ways to Stay Healthy, Control Stress

Teaching is an extremely stressful job, although elements of it can be extremely rewarding. You’re always putting the needs of others before yourself, which can mean that you neglect your own needs, which include eating right, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and more.

With that at the forefront of everyone’s thought process, today on, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox, herself a seasoned educator on the East Coast, addresses some ways that educators like you can use classroom management to control the stress in their lives.

Janelle’s ideas include:

  • Incorporate Healthy Foods into Your Diet
  • Get Enough Sleep at Night
  • Exercise
  • And More!

Janelle sums up her article in this manner: “Remember if you want to healthy and manage your stress while teaching, then you must get an adequate amount of sleep each night, eat an abundance of healthy foods to keep your body of full of energy and your mind sharp, take a few minutes each day to be active, spend some quality time with your loved ones, and always stay positive. If you be consistent and follow these tips you are on your way to a healthy, stress-free life of teaching.”

How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle free of stress while teaching each day? Do you have any tips or suggestions that you would like to share?

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