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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Classroom Activities

Commemorating the life and beliefs of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a great way for your class to get an introduction to civil rights. Beyond civil rights, his overall beliefs lend themselves to some great classroom activities.

With that in mind, today on, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox, herself a seasoned educator based in Upstate New York, takes a look at some different classroom activities designed to get your kids thinking about Dr. King’s poignant life and beliefs.

Janelle’s ideas include:

  • Keep a Daily Journal
  • Contribute Peace
  • And more!

The importance of studying Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. cannot be overstated, and commemorating his life on the third Monday of every January is a great stepping-off point to learning more about his enormous influence.

How do you celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day in your classroom? Do you have any fun activities that you like to do?

Post-Holiday Classroom Activities

Getting back into the swing of a normal classroom routine after a long holiday break can be difficult. Kids are used to sleeping in, and adjusting to the grind of a normal learning cycle can be taxingly tough.

With that in mind, today on, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox also takes a look at some time-honored classroom activities designed to get your class back into the normal routine.

Janelle’s ideas include:

  • Show and Tell
  • New Year’s Resolutions
  • Host a Party
  • Play a Fun Game
  • And More!

Janelle sums up her article thusly: “Winter break was a time for rest and relaxation, so it’s important to remember to ease students back into the school routine slowly and carefully. T

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