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Teaching Strategies: The Ten Rules of Writing

By the time kids get to high school, the methods they use to go about writing are often hard to break. Remember that writing is the linchpin, in many ways, of the educational process – all things stem from a well-crafted essay.

With that in mind, today on, frequent contributing writer Jordan Catapano, himself a seasoned English teacher in the Chicago suburbs, takes a look at ten rules for writing that he employs in his classes.

Jordan’s rules include:

  • Don’t Be Boring!
  • Make a Mess
  • Follow the Process
  • And More! 

Jordan sums up his article like this: “To reinforce them as we go, I put these on a bookmark, hang them around the room, informally quiz students, and ask them to progressively apply these rules throughout the year. After spending a year writing with me, I want them to have a richer understanding of what truly goes into composition beyond the traditional, academic formula. I want them to know these rules and to have the confidence to apply them in ways they see fit in their education and beyond.”

What do you think of this list? What “rules of writing” would you add or subtract from here?

Today on, frequent writer Jordan Catapano (an English teacher in the Chicago suburbs) takes a look at 10 relatively new words that have popped up in the last 10 years, and what they mean.

Jordan’s list includes:

  Common Core State Standards
  Flipped Classroom
  And More!

What else is “new” in education that wasn’t around ten years ago? Tell us your favorite buzzwords, concepts, and initiatives!

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