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Precision Farming and its scope in India

 What do you mean by precision farming?

It is also known as smart farming or digital farming or on-site farming. It is basically comprised of all the new farming technologies including geo-spatial technologies. It includes GPS (Global positioning system), GIS (Geographic Information system), DGPS (Differential global positioning system), Remote sensing, Variable rate applicator etc.

                                                            Image source- Nitie

1-Global positioning system-

 It is an integral part of Precision farming. It is used for soil sampling, farm planning, tractor guidance, yield mapping, field mapping, and for crop scouting.

2-Geographic Information system-

It is associated with terms- geography and Information. It integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, analyzing, managing, and displaying all forms of information which are geographically referred.

Image source- Times of Agriculture.

3-Remote sensing-

Remote sensing provides all the technologies and tools for evaluating data which is necessary to improve farm practices and increase crop production.

Uses of Remote sensing in Precision Farming- 

·        Nutrient management.

·        Disease management.

·        Controlling soil moisture.

                ·        Evapotranspiration.

·        Water stress.


Image source- Grainnews



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